Friday, 30 May 2014

I Regret Not Voting Green At The Local Elections

At the recent local elections I voted Labour for everything. All three council votes and the European election.

I did this for two main reasons. 

1. I wanted Labour to win. 
2. I wanted Labour to know I wanted them to win. In the current climate of Ed bashing that's taking place, I wanted Ed to know he had my vote.

I now regret this.

Up until recently I've always voted with the idea that it's Labour vs the Tories, and I always voted to keep the Tories out (obviously, duh). And generally I agree with the majority of Labour policies. They're not quite the rampant socialism I yearn for, but in the world of bollocks centre party politics, I like them over the other parties.

But in the days since the election, Ed has started lamely posturing to try and gain UKIP voters. This made me realise that the little parties do have an impact, and obviously can scare the main parties, and drag them one way or the other.

Except I don't want Labour to be drawn towards UKIP style policies. 

Yes I do want the main parties to rethink their policies, and think of the working people more, and look to the little parties more for ideas, just not UKIP.

And all of a sudden I realised I should have voted Green.

Yes, I know the BBC would have you believe that Farage is now running the country, and the Green party doesn't exist, but they won 7.9% of the vote, a whole percent more than the other non existent party, the Lib Dems.

Obviously I know the Greens aren't in a position to win a general election, but I'm happy they're there, making statements the main parties are too scared to make. And I'd be happy if the main parties were scared of them, and trying to poach their votes.

And they should be, the Greens did get a lot of votes, and do actually have an MP, unlike some other parties.

When it comes to the general election, protest voting is a different matter, because more than ever it will be a matter of keeping the Tories out, and now keeping fucking UKIP out. If I lived in Brighton or another constituency where I was very sure the Greens could win, I would vote that way, but still for now Ed, you've got my vote next year, please don't waste it.

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